Sunday at Leen Customs
Leen Customs partnered up with Tuner Evo to do a preview event for their upcoming show next week. A nice collection of cars started to fill the streets on Anderson the morning of the daylight savings shift but the hour loss in sleep was made up by loud straight piped race cars, boosted rotaries and a visual joy of vintage cars to line the street.
Julio from Kaiser Kars in his Porsche 935K with GamGam Burger setting up for the hungry enthusiasts.
Julio Torres from Kaiser Kars brought his Porsche Apple 935 to bless the fans with motorsports joy. As you may already know, Julio is a driver and drive the car is what he does. The roaring of the 935 as it was getting unloaded from his Unimog brought tears to every single person on the street.
A few doors down, Savant who runs Vintage Japanese Motor Union was setting up for his usual Sunday hangs and all of the Datsuns and Mazda Rotaries lined the streets. If vintage JDM stuff is your vibe, you should definitely check them out.
Vintage Japanese Motor Union on Anderson St in Downtown Los Angees
Alan aka Smokedogg doing what he do
Split for Lunch at Pizza Nista
Thanks for checking out the post. Please feel free to share the images on your social but make sure to tag me broski. Have a great week.
Drew Manley