Many automotive enthusiasts love canyon carving during the day in Southern California, whether it is on the famous Angeles Crest Highway, Glendora Mountain Road, Laurel Canyon, Coldwater Canyon... there is no shortage of great roads.

On this night, we gathered with some friends to run up the local mountain to hang out and talk about cars, life and in general, just shoot the shit. Before heading up, we checked oil levels, pumped air into our tires and filled up 91 octane.

Here, our buddy Jose (@type_r_jose) if filling up some Mobil1 Synthetic oil in his Toyota Supra IV with a relatively stock looking engine, at least that is what we tell local officers. All this came like this when I bought it!

We had our buddy Pat come out in his relatively new Ford Raptor R as a support vehicle as Angel in his 1991 NSX and my 1993 RS America 964 finished up prepping the cars. Buddy Z brought out his white on white Subaru Impreza sitting on those pretty Regamasters.

Now, photographing and driving canyon roads is extremely difficult and dangerous so I was not able to capture much but ended up getting a few shots when I was able to. Jose's Supra looking aggressive with it being slammed on those Work wheels.

Once we got to the Ridge (where East Fork connects to GMR and Ridge Road), we hung out to admire the night sky and how driving in the dark completely changes the dyanmic of canyon driving. You literally have merely split seconds to avoid hitting anything that comes around the bend.

It is pretty cool to see how many people are active up there late at night. From cheating lovers rendezvousing at any turnout to car enthusiasts trying their best to togue the mountain road safely up and down the mountain.

Always a great time getting safely up and down the local mountains. Make sure your tires are always prepped, engine filled with proper amounts of thicc oil and your eyes and hands are quick to react.
Stay safe folks!
Drew Manley
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