Sept 25, 2017.... when it all began to where we are today.... so much has taken place since then. When it all started, it was all so innocent and then things started to take shape piece by piece. By no means am I where I need to be but the foundation has been laid and things are moving right along.
When we celebrated the first anniversary of 911c, it was all so innocent. I wanted to bring friends and family together to have a day at the park. Eat, play some games, talk cars and life. Easy in concept but execution is always a bit tricky.
What has changed in the last 3 years is that car culture has taken on a whole new energy and the lifestyle has grown probably 10 folds over. There are probably more car events every weekend in Socal than there are car events in other states for the entire month or even year.
So if you love cars, its a good place to be. I also happened to pick a day where Wekfest LA, Euro show at Petersen and many other events were going on simultaneously but another date would have yielded the same results lol.
Year 2 and 3 got postponed for various reasons and funny enough, I almost skipped Year 4 also. Too much stuff going on and I am terrible at planning events. I am a procrastinator at heart so all the details get pushed to the very end and the scramble-fest ensues.
With the push from buddy Mike T. to do the event, I put together the same event as Year 1 and sent out evites to those who have been big supporters of the brand locally. I was blessed to have some amazing sponsors this year as well. Big shoutout to the sponsors below:
Ben at Ecom - Custom Apparel
Mike IXXI - A Great Friend
Daniel at Formawerx - Bespoke Key Maker
Jack at Scientific - Porsche Service
John at Innova - Automotive Diagonistic Tool Brand
Rick at N2con - IT Consulting
Nick at Wings Aircooled - Porsche Pedal Extender
Jaime at Sodel Popup - Chef Dinner Experiences
Bruce Brown - Just a badass
Darin at FD Motorsports - Porsche 911 Parts
Anuj at Sunroof Delete - A helpful doctor
Nate at HyperTrash Magazine - Indie Automotive Magazine
Rennline - Porsche and European Parts
RJ at Meguiar's - Automotive Detail Products
Perry & Akiko at Coordinates Cubed - 3d Race Track Wall Art
Jaykees at Ground Werks Design - Automotive Illustrator
Peter at 911customwerks - Custom Diecast Designer
Allan at Cali Dumpling - Dumpling Delivery Service
Kevin at Donut Tree - Donuts!
Darrien at CRVN - Photographer Extraordinaire

Early birds get the worm and Bruce Brown always gets the worm. Always first to show, first to help and last to leave. Jared also pulling in his 993 and parked along with Ken's 997, Sam's GT4 and Rod's G Body.

We brought tons and tons of snacks, drinks, sugar and ice. Just had rain unexpectedly on Saturday and a big storm to come for Monday. We got super lucky with Sunday's weather. A gorgeous day it was.

Setting up the sponsor and raffle table. Blessed to have so many nice giveaways at the table. Also the trophy cups designed by Jaykees at Ground Works was awesome. Also big shoutout to the wifey grabbing photos while I was trying to host the event. Didn't have time to shoot so shot what she could below.

Below are photos from the homie Darrien Craven. Thank you brother for taking the time out to enjoy the day and take some photos for me. I mean you could of done more but you were having too much of a good time lol... I'm joking... but not really lol.. I love you bro!

When lunch finally arrived, it was a glorious time. We got about 12x 26" pizzas from Combo Pizza in Fullerton. Sorry we didn't get any photos but we got it all on the vlog so make sure you check that out. The pizza has delivered on the dot and I got so many compliments about the pizza. Amazing food and service! Make sure to give them your business!
Allan came through with some crispy pork ribs and pork belly to tantalize the senses of our friends. The line built fast and food disappeared even faster. Thank you to Allan for being a sponsor and serving the best food always. Below is the last of what was left but there was a huge half portion of a pig there 12 mins before lol.

Managed to snag a few shots with some friends. Below you have Rex and Jr with the 90s Honda print and then Jack and Ben with the sponsor mugs.

Buddy Ty made it out. Always hard catching up with him because his electric car keeps him close to home but not today! Came all the way out to hang out on Year 4 anniversary!

Verone, Carol, Kayla, Will, Amanda, Jack and Bruce slamming down lunch and looking like a good time was had. Thank you to Verone who left a rally a day early to come celebrate with everyone. <3

My only goal for the day was to play some grade school games. Even though it happened much later in the day than I had anticipated, I am so glad we enough people to play Steal the Bacon and later, Kickball. It was so much fun and I am thankful for the day and the perfect weather we had.
I had an absolute blast hanging out with everyone and so thankful that people made it out and hung out for a few hours to half the day with me. Big thank you to Jackie and Cam for the help the night before lugging heavy items at Walmart since I pulled my back on Saturday. Also big thank you to my Wife for your never ending love and support.
Big thank you to all those that came and wished me a happy anniversary. I am truly blessed to be doing what I do.
Drew Manley
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