FOMO: Fear of Missing Out... the force is strong with FOMO. Once a fire is ignited, mix in a bit of wind and a perfect storm is created aka Wildfire. Ironically Calvin named my cars Wildfire and Ignitor back in 2015 lol but I digress.
Chris hits me up one day and says he's driving up to NYC for 911s on 9/11 from DC and that I should come check it out too. After thinking about it for a good 30 secs, I said, "you know what? I'm down... let me check flights..." and that's where it all began but before I booked up, I had to make sure I dragged along more of the boys with me. So Mike, Teddy and Jason committed to go but they had to jump through many hoops to make it work.
Day of, we jumped on a red eye and then headed to Newark, NJ where we had Rico pick us up at the airport. Rico immediately took us to Sunday Motor Co Cafe for breakfast and to inject caffeine into our system. SMCC is a beautiful Automotive Enthusiast based cafe located in Madison, NJ.

Cool seeing a G Body Targa sitting inside a cafe with some nice prints all around. We even met with some other food enthusiast while we were waiting outside. Got to love good vibes all around.

Next on the agenda was heading straight into the city to get our pizza fix. So we headed to a spot where Teddy had been feening for some time while he was binging on youtube videos. We checked into the hotel and then jumped on the subway to grab some pizza.

So we arrived at Pizza Suprema where there was a lunch rush building behind us. Most of us grabbed about 2-3 slices each. It was pretty solid but Rico being a New Jersey native thought it was trash lol. The debate of good pizza continues to rage on! But whatever the case, still better than most of the junk we have in Socal.... that is for sure.

We ended up in Brooklyn shortly after and not because we were wanted to check out Brooklyn but because Mike wanted more Pizza LMAO. We ended up on the rooftop of some bar and the sights were amazing! It was chill being tourists with your boys and it was great being back in NYC since I was last here in 2018. Normally I come back every 2 years but during Covid, it was the wild wild west out here, or so I was told.

We roamed all around Brooklyn, saw Dumbo and then headed back to Manhattan to check out the 911 memorial. It being the advent of the 20 year anniversary, the energy at the memorial was pretty powerful. We spent some time reminiscing about the tragedy that struck our nation and then headed back to get ready for the big day. Stay tuned as I rummage through all of the photos from that day and try to bring a piece of everything that went down.

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